Tuesday 24 May 2011

I Joined the Foundation Course and Why Others Should Join Too

Funny title right? I myself don't know why I am blogging this post because if I wanted to convince anyone to join this course or college, he/she should just read the other post/s to convince himself/herself about how much I enjoy myself and if him/her came to Geomatika he/she could and would have just as much fun. Anyhow I will state my reasons and if anyone get convinced so be it. However be warned these are MY reasons and it may have nothing to do with you joining at all.
  • On the advise of my agent from D Karisma.
  • Geomatika offered a fast track for those studying dentistry to Indonesia. (4 months as I started late but it should be 6 months and I am unsure of other fields and such as well as to other countries)
  • It was conviniently located for me. (near relatives as well as far from some)
  • Not as pricey as the more popular colleges and universities.
  • The university I wanted to go into in Indonesia was alright with the foundation course from Geomatika.
These are the top 5 reasons that I can think off the top of my head. To anyone reading this and trying to come to a decision, for more questions and answers to those questions, I would advise you to go to the homepage to get clarification and more information.

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